
  • Abstract
  • Document Sections
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Nfv and Network Overlay
  • 3. Virtual Network Functions Overlay Via Sdn
  • 4. Virtualization of 5g Ran
  • 5. Open Problems
  • 6. Conclusions
  • Acknowledgment
  • References
  • Biographies

رئوس مطالب

  • چکیده
  • 1. مقدمه
  • 2. NFV و همپوشی شبکه
  • مسائل شبکه سازی در NFV
  • همپوشی شبکه
  • 3.همپوشی عملکردهای شبکه مجازی از طریق SDN
  • OpenFlow و NFV
  • 4. مجازی سازی RAN نسل 5
  • NFV برای CoMP و D2D
  • تکامل متراکم سازی با NFV
  • 5. مسائل باز
  • 6. نتیجه گیری
  • سپاسگزاری


5G wireless technology is paving the way to revolutionize future ubiquitous and pervasive networking, wireless applications, and user quality of experience. To realize its potential, 5G must provide considerably higher network capacity, enable massive device connectivity with reduced latency and cost, and achieve considerable energy savings compared to existing wireless technologies. The main objective of this article is to explore the potential of NFV in enhancing 5G radio access networks’ functional, architectural, and commercial viability, including increased automation, operational agility, and reduced capital expenditure. The ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group has recently published drafts focused on standardization and implementation of NFV. Harnessing the potential of 5G and network functions virtualization, we discuss how NFV can address critical 5G design challenges through service abstraction and virtualized computing, storage, and network resources. We describe NFV implementation with network overlay and SDN technologies. In our discussion, we cover the first steps in understanding the role of NFV in implementing CoMP, D2D communication, and ultra densified networks.


As mobile computing continues to evolve and access to computing clouds becomes ubiquitous, mobile users expect highly reliable, anywhere and anytime wireless connectivity and services. The need to evolve future wireless networks toward supporting, reliably and eff ciently, a wider range of networking and multimedia services and applications becomes a critical design requirement of next-generation wireless networks. Cognizant of emerging trends in wireless services and applications, the article focuses on exploring the potential of NFV to address the daunting challenges and design requirements of 5G RANs. The article underscores that NFV approaches to enable advanced, cooperative, rapidly changing baseband processing and radio resource management in 5G must be fl exible, cost effective, and elastic. NFV naturally inherits these benef ts from virtualization, cloud computing, and SDN paradigms. New challenges related to carrier-grade network functions must be addressed. To this end, the article discusses critical open problems, including the need to adhere to strict real-time processing, support a programmable data plane, achieve eff cient local and global resource management and orchestration, and explore NFV placement trade-offs.

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